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CREDIT CARD PRE-AUTHORIZATION: When you register for this auction, you consent to a $1 authorization on the credit card you have on file. This is a hold only, it is not a charge. Please make sure that your credit card information is current, and that the address on your bidder profile is the same address used for your credit card statement.
PAYMENT: Accepted forms of payment include Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. At the conclusion of the auction your credit card on file will be automatically charged for the entire amount of your purchases. Bidders who have 2 failed attempts to process their charges will have their bidding account suspended and will be required to have a $1000.00 cash deposit held in escrow for 1 year in order to reactivate their account.
BIDDING ERRORS: Increasing your own bids.... please be aware that many bidders routinely increase their own bid to price an item out of reach of other bidders. You should immediately review your bids before submitted. If you mistakenly increase your own bid, place your bidder number in the bid field, or make a gross error you must immediately contact our office by email using the contact sheet on our website (we must have your request in writing) you must remain the high bidder. If you bid on the wrong item we will not reverse your bid please make sure and review all bids before submitting. We will not reverse bids after the auction has begun to close no exceptions.
STAGGERED CLOSING: The online auction closes at multiple items per minute This feature will close the bidding on intervals. This feature works great with the auto-extend feature to closely emulate a 'live' auction.
DYNAMIC CLOSING: The closing time of an asset is automatically extended an additional 4 minutes whenever a bid is placed within the last 4 minutes of the asset's closing time.
PREVIEW LIVE ON-LOCATION: Attend our LIVE ON-SITE PREVIEW/INSPECTION where you have the opportunity to personally inspect all items, then bid on-line at your leisure in the comfort of your own home or office. (See PREVIEW info above)
FREE CATALOG: Click "Catalog" above (See CATEGORIES) for a printable listing of all items. Bring your printout with you during preview to make your personal inspection notes.
ITEM PHOTOGRAPHS: Click "ALL ITEMS" above (See CATAGORIES) to see a detailed list, including PHOTOS, of all items in the auction (clickable thumbnail photos for larger pics)
*** ATTENTION ALL BIDDERS *** Be sure and CHECK YOUR BIDS upon conclusion of the auction!! If you're a successful bidder, you should receive an email receipt from for your purchases by approx. 9pm auction closing day! (REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTERS TOO!!) If you do not receive an emailed receipt, contact us via email at: and we will provide a duplicate emailed receipt for pickup/removal purposes. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT **WITH YOU** TO PICK UP PURCHASES. Thank You!